The P. Donald Moses Memorial Education Fund
Initiated with funds generously donated by family and friends of the late Donnie Moses, this endowment will provide on-going educational opportunities for generations of music lovers. Each year the Moses Memorial Fund will underwrite numerous pre-concert talks, conversations with composers and performers, and a brunch/lecture prior to the Festival Finale concert. With your support, this program will continue to deepen our appreciation of music for years to come.
We invite you to make a tax-deductible contribution today. The Moses Memorial Education Fund is an endowed fund managed by the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge, (540) 213-2150. You may send a contribution by check to:
Community Foundation of Central Blue Ridge
Attn: Moses Memorial Education Fund
P.O. Box 815
Staunton, Virginia 24402

P. Donald Moses was a man of many passions. He loved the practice of law, running, golf, literature, poetry, fly fishing, wine, baseball – and Beethoven. He pursued each interest with intensity, driven to experience new works of music and literature and then discover what scholars had to say about them. He was especially moved by Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. His is a story of how music can influence an ordinary man leading an ordinary life, of how it can bring joy and a depth of experience to anyone, not just the talented and the trained. In that spirit of inspiring personal growth, the Moses Memorial Fund seeks to offer education and exposure to many forms of music – the familiar as well as the more inaccessible.
Along with Donnie Moses former law partners at Timberlake Smith, the Moses Memorial Fund at the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge will sponsor the annual Donnie Moses Memorial Lunch & Lecture. On August 25, 2024, that lecture will be delivered by the esteemed emeritus professor of music from UNC-Chapel Hill, Dr. Tim Carter.